
Myths about Decorative Glass

“Real comfort, visual or physical, is vital to every room,” said world-famous American interior designer, Mark Hampton. Have we drowned ourselves in taking care of the physical aspect to the extent that the visual gets the back-seat every single time? Heaven forbid that should be the case!

It’s not as important to know whether form follows function or vice-versa; what is critical to designing a livable and workable space is ensuring that each works in tandem with the other. To that end, decorative solutions for architecture are of high importance, if not more important than functionality.

Aesthetical Architecture: The Key to Feeling Better

Architect Philip Johnson shed some precious tears as he gazed upon the shimmering lines of the Guggenheim Museum. That’s when he quoted, “Architecture is not about words. It’s about tears.” We often confine architecture and space designing to a relatively small box; while we’re busy worrying about all the required functionalities, we fail to realise that the emotional impact of beautiful architecture can quite literally transcend the personal, as in the case of architect Johnson.

Now, just imagine how much more impactful can aesthetical architecture be for your personal spaces! History bears testimony to the fact that the materials and décor styles we choose to build our spaces with influence our way of life, our mood, and beyond. The possibilities are practically endless today since architects and interior designers have a rich palette of high-performance building and decorative materials at their disposal, the most striking of which is decorative glass.

It’s Not a Member, but a Family!

Decorative glass is not really a single member of the glass family; they’re also a family by themselves. Yes, decorative glass is an umbrella term, beautifully sheltering a range of solutions, each exclusively designed to suit different design sensibilities. How? Well, you can either go for the standard-coloured glass version of decorative solutions wherein the drama lies in the glass’ varying textures and patterns, or you can enjoy the fluid visual appeal of glass in a variety of vibrant shades that will inject your interiors with newfound life.

Creating Visual Art with Decorative Glass: Let Your Interiors Speak for Themselves

Beauty may perish in life but will remain immortal in art. And, architecture or interior designing; are they any different from art? Well, decorative glass solutions are not just ways to elevate your space’s luxe feel, but also effortless ways to do so. Get some design inspiration here.

Connecting-Separating Private and Public Spaces

Your living room with its luxurious sectional sofa – the primary spot for bonding over family movie nights – may need some respite from the mess going around in the kitchen just adjacent to it. Well, but is there a way to do so with pizzazz? Why a resounding yes with decorative glass partitions! You can either go for back painted glass in subtle or bold and vibrant tones or entirely steer clear of colours and play it safe with the icy and textured appearance of other members of the decorative glass family – carte blanche!

The same holds true for your office space – revive them from bland to grand with decorative glass partitions that seamlessly and stylishly separate the public area from confidential board and conference rooms.

Bringing in Swaths of Colour or Playful Charm

What is that one thing about colours that makes them so desirable? The fact that they are contagious! Yes, ever noticed those wildly colourful buildings that add a dash of colour to their surroundings as well? You can enjoy a piece of that glory too, by having decorative glass installed in your space’s doors or windows. Light, when refracting through these colourful glass panes, will not just light your interiors, but enliven them to a whole different level.

Oh, so you’re not a fan of different-coloured rays playing with each other inside your space? No problem! Other members of the decorative glass family, such as frosted or textured glass, can come to your rescue. They will create stunning light patterns and aesthetics without disturbing the fluid-like appeal intrinsic to glass.

Striking Furniture Pieces

“The depth of the furniture should be less and in a subtle combination of neutral and tonal colours. For bigger rooms, the design can be more luxurious, with heavier, chunkier, and more experimental forms,” says Punam Kalra, the Creative Director at the Centre for Applied Arts. Well, sometimes, the permutations and combinations of furniture placement can be too overwhelming to wrap your head around. For such times, and for those when you really want to experiment with your colour options, the way-to-go is to incorporate decorative glass in your furniture pieces – table-tops, wardrobes, cabinets, vases, kitchen island, and more.

The best part about decorative glass furniture? You’ll have one less stylistic need to worry about, as even a minimalist approach will work volumes in terms of enhancing the look of the space.  

Unfurl the Potential of Decorative Glass with AIS Glass

The designing possibilities are limitless with decorative glass solutions! So, ready to go from drab to fab in a jiffy? We’re here to make your journey smooth and hassle-free. AIS Glass has been the leading integrated glass manufacturer of India for decades, and as such, we offer a range of decorative glass solutions for your aesthetic needs.

Choose our back painted AIS Décor for colourful interiors, our frosted AIS Krystal for stunning textures, or our laminated AIS Disegno for a mesmerising icy appearance. Whichever you choose, we guarantee end-to-end expert help, timely quality work, and, most importantly, an end result that exceeds your expectations. 

So, get in touch with us today for interiors that will inspire awe and enchant its beholders!

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